- The Document "Deposit +/-" It is used to reflect the changes in the balance on an account as a result of replenishment or withdrawal of the funds, as well as the payment reflection of the various commissions types and debts, for example, for using a trading platform.
When importing the data from some trading platforms the document "Deposit +/-" is created automatically.
You can find out more about this from the data importing section.
How to create a new "Deposit +/-"?
An example of the account replenishment:
An example of the account withdrawal (the withdrawal of funds or payment for using the trading platform)
The amount is indicated with a sign "-"
When bookkeeping, you need to comply with the chronological sequence of all the transactions. The account balances entering need to be done before the very first Trade. It means that "Date and time" are to be less than the date of the very first Trade. Otherwise, the reports will be formed incorrect.