Profit factor
The above graph was built 'By day'. I.e. it shows how that marker has changed day by day. Now let's draw it up by month
Let's look at one more graph, but this time in the marker field we choose 'Points' instead of 'Net profit'. Usually no one calculates the profit factor in points, but in fact, they should. You can get interesting information from this. So, what do we see? 2 different profit factors, the first one is equal to 1.51, the second is 1.64. I.e. a profit factor drawn up by points has a higher value. How can this be? Most likely when trading we incorrectly calculated a lot. It often happens that by points we benefit and by sum, we lose. To avoid this it is essential to calculate a lot at all times. The calculation formula is almost the same:
Profit factor = Sum of profitable trade points / Sum of unprofitable trade points